Why Sharks and Coffee?
Shark Coffee was started as a result of my love of the underwater world, my growing concern for sharks and their protection, and great coffee.
Sharks have long fascinated me and drawn me to the ocean. Their beauty, grace and power make them not only one of the most interesting parts of the marine ecosystem, but one of the most essential. When I started scuba diving I had no idea how sharks could be such a critical part of the ocean ecosystem, but the more I dove and learned about sharks and their relevance and impact, I realized their importance to not just the ocean but our entire planet. Sharks are an indicator for ocean health, they keep the balance of marine species and help ensure species diversity. The loss of sharks from overfishing, illegal shark finning, and habitat reduction is causing irreparable harm to the marine ecosystem and eventually mankind and our dependence on the ocean.
I have always loved a great hot cup of coffee in the morning and a cold brew in a hot afternoon. I enjoy trying new coffees from different regions and different blends. The subtle differences in flavor whether it’s a Caramel, candy bar, buttery body and raisin from Guatemala or a milk chocolate, dried fruit and light smoke blend. The more coffee I have tried, the more I wanted to start my own brand of great coffee to share with others.
The idea of Shark Coffee came to me when I was sitting down with a cup of coffee on a scuba diving trip and wondering how I can help with shark conservation. I wanted my coffee company to have an impact on shark conservation, so I decided that donating a portion of the proceeds to shark conservation organizations would be a great benefit.
With your purchase of some great coffee we can help sharks one cup at a time.
Gary Greb
Owner, Shark Coffee