Great White Shark Mug


The mug is inspired by the Great White Shark like our coffee blend with the same name.

$1.00 of the sale of this mug goes to shark conservation.

Coffee mug with our Great White Shark design.

$1.00 of the sale of this mug goes to shark conservation.

Additional information

Weight 14 oz
Dimensions 4 × 4 × 4 in


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The Great White Sharks:

Great white sharks are vital, unique, and powerful marine predators. They are important elements of the ecosystem and are referred to as “indicators of ocean health.” They are termed “Great” because of their enormous size, and “white” is added to their name because of the whitish color of their bellies. Great white sharks have an average lifespan of 65 to 70 years. Males reach sexual maturity between the ages of 26 and 27, while females reach reproductive maturity between the ages of 32 and 33. They can grow up to 21.5 feet in length and weigh between 4960 and 5640 pounds. The Great White Sharks are found in coastal waters where there are large populations of fish or sea mammals.

Great White Sharks are the “keystone species” of an ecosystem, balancing the populations of other small predators and prey. Great White Sharks compel their prey to shift frequently between the habitats, which helps to sustain the coral reef system and seagrasses. They eat sick and weak animals, preventing diseases from spreading to other animals and ensuring a stable food chain and diversity of species. Great White Sharks maintain the carbon cycle by reducing the concentration of carbon and carbon containing compounds in the atmosphere and ecosystem. The presence of Great White Sharks in waters boosts ecotourism and contributes significantly to a country’s economy.

Conservation Status:

The Great White Shark population has been steadily declining for decades, making it vulnerable. Overfishing and illegal finning are big threats to the Great White Shark. Their absence in the oceans can lead to the destruction of the food chain, and coral reef system that leads to an overabundance of algae. A Great White Shark baby takes 27 (male) or 33 (female) years to reproduce, therefore population growth takes time. As a result, it is our primary responsibility to organize campaigns and work for the conservation of these key ecological members.