Tiger Shark Blend


Tiger sharks are named for their distinctive color pattern. The body is gray with dark gray vertical bars or spots on the flanks with a pale or white underside.

Species Scientific Name: Galeocerdo cuvier

Available in:

  • 6oz.

  • 12oz.

Flavor Characteristics:  Rich, low acidity with notes of dark chocolate, vanilla, and cinnamon with a medium to heavy body and bold, earthy flavors with a big caffeine jolt

Additional information

Weight 12 oz
Select Size

12oz (340g), 6oz (170g)


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Tiger Shark:

Tiger sharks are macropredators that eat everything they can get their hands on. Tiger sharks get their name from the tiger-like color patterns on their bodies when they’re young. The stripes, on the other hand, fade and diminish as they grow older. Tiger sharks are mostly found in the depths of the sea and can be found in tropical and subtropical coastal areas. They have sharp and serrated teeth, as well as strong jaws, which they use to crush their prey. They can reach a maximum size of 18 feet and weigh up to 1900 pounds. They’re also known as garbage eaters since they consume plastics, containers, and tins. Sharks do not have eyelids. However, tiger sharks have a clear eyelid called the nictitating membrane that covers their eyes. As a result, they have good low-light vision.

Tiger sharks reproduce once every three years, which is surprising information to know. The female tiger shark produces 10 to 80 babies in one litter. Tiger sharks reach sexual maturity at the age of 7, while females reach sexual maturity at 8. Once their population begins to decline, they must be constantly monitored and cared for in order to sustain their population. Tiger sharks, like other sharks, play an important role in the marine food chain as macropredators. Tiger sharks have a robust and versatile stomach that can digest even the hardest items and bones. The liver of the tiger shark is extremely valuable in medical research since it contains the highest amount of vitamin A.

Conservation Status:

Tiger sharks are threatened as their population has been declining since the 1980s. This reduction is caused by overfishing and water pollution. Tiger sharks are also killed for their fins, skin, flesh, and liver. They are crucial to the growth of the marine ecosystem and the balance of the food chain. As a result, it is imperative to take action to protect these eco-friendly species.