Whale Shark Mug


The mug is inspired by the Whale Shark like our coffee blend with the same name.

$1.00 of the sale of this mug goes to shark conservation.

Coffee mug with our Whale Shark design.

$1.00 of the sale of this mug goes to shark conservation.

Additional information

Weight 14 oz
Dimensions 4 × 4 × 4 in


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Whale Shark:

Whale sharks are the world’s largest fish, with a distinctive pattern of white spots on their bodies. They possess a unique mechanism to capture and consume their prey, known as the “cross-flow filtration” mechanism. Whale sharks are slow-moving animals that keep their mouths open while swimming to allow water to enter their gills. The inner gill slits filter small fish, crustaceans, zooplankton, and other large prey as water passes through the gills. They can reach a length of 55 to 60 feet and a weight of 30,000 to 35,000 pounds. Nurse sharks possess specialized structures in their mouths known as velums. When the mouth is closed, these structures prevent water and food from backflowing.

Whale sharks are top predators in the marine food chain and are a vital part of the ecosystem. Whale sharks live in plankton-rich waters, indicating that the marine ecology is healthy. They aid in the population control of other predators. The decline of this shark population can have a negative impact on biodiversity and the marine ecosystem by boosting the populations of other predators, leading to the extinction of a small prey population. Whale sharks play a crucial role in regulating plankton levels and preventing these organisms from overgrowing. Because excessive plankton growth causes algal blooms, which can be hazardous to small fish and marine mammals.

Conservation Status:

Whale sharks are categorized as vulnerable to endangered. Because of their extended lifespan and late maturation, they require special attention. Whale sharks are hunted for their fins, skin, and liver. Their liver is used to make a variety of oils that are used to treat skin disorders in humans. Young whale sharks are also threatened by overfishing and water pollution. Their population decline may have negative consequences for marine animals, plants, and biodiversity.